※購入したい作品が決まりましたら、お気軽にお声掛けください。左記一覧にない作品も、UNKNOWN ASIA 2020会期中のVideo Callにてご確認いただける作品は購入が一部可能です。気になる作品があれば、そちらも合わせて下記メールフォームよりお問い合わせください。
 Please feel free to contact us when you have decided which works you would like to purchase. If you are interested in purchasing a work that is not on the list, please feel free to contact us. If there is a piece you are interested in, please contact us using the email form below.

※支払い方法は、Paypal、銀行振込 に対応しています。クレジットカード払い・コンビニ決済等をご希望の方にはSTORESを通してであればご利用いただけますので「STORESでの決済希望」とお伝えください。
 We accept payment by Paypal and bank transfer. For those who wish to pay by credit card or convenience store, please let us know that you wish to pay by STORES.

 All prices are tax inclusive.

 We will send it to you by cash on delivery. For domestic shipping of small works, they will be shipped by Letter Pack Plus (520 yen). For payment other than cash on delivery, or for shipping to overseas, please contact us separately.

※作品は、UNKNOWN ASIA 2020の会期終了後、振り込みを確認次第順次発送いたします。到着までお時間をいただきますが、お待ちくださいますようよろしくお願いいたします。
 All works will be shipped after the end of the UNKNOWN ASIA 2020 as soon as we receive payment. It will take some time for them to arrive, but we ask for your patience.

 The price of the sale does not include copyright and moral rights.

If you are interested in purchasing artwork, please enter your information below and confirm the details in the reply email. Payment can be made by Paypal, bank transfer, or via STORES. Shipping costs will be discussed separately.